It did not happen in 2012 as the Mayans were said
to have predicted. 2013 came in without the signs and went out with all the
signs: polar vortex, global warming, ice storms where they did not happen
before, melting down of the ice caps in both poles, volcanic eruptions along
the Ring of Fire, storm surges, earthquakes, droughts, famine, wars in all
corners of the Earth, random rapes of men/women/little children, mass murders,
parents killing children, children killing parents, hue and cry decrying
corruption among leaders and citizens, mayhem from above and below, human
trafficking, economic strife among nations, economic debacles all over the
earth, general man’s inhumanity to man where he is no longer his brother’s
keeper, the Seven Gates of Hell described in the Bible’s Revelations all
articulated world-wide through even the comeuppance of cyber and digital
numbers fraud wrecking the banking and insurance business, all palpable results
of the ultimate evil of 666 stirring, anarchy rife through dying democracies,
base effrontery and indifference in slander and defamation in media including
the Internet’s social media. But haven’t all these disasters been with us
before? Superstition? Omens? Ah, but even hints of Armageddon have surfaced: gassing
of Syrians (children slain like the Holy Innocents), threat of nuclear wars in
Iran, Iraq, Pakistan, India, Libya, Israel, Palestine, even the holiest of
places in the birthplace of Christ in Bethlehem (Petra) is not spared human
greed and bickering, and the plea for Peace come from the Pope and the United
Nations Organization but they remain as voices in the wilderness hoping for a
salving Second Coming. Are these merely “shade
of His Hand outstretched caressingly?” Is this Wrath descending/ascending the
wrath of a dying planet that has seen its forests burned to the ground, its
water sources polluted by toxic substances produced by mining fossilized fuel
in the Earth’s core, natural and man-made disaster ad nauseam where we finally see that for every new thing made by
man for his comfort, an opposite dismal effect is produced to his disadvantage?
Why has man finally put himself into a estoppel where an otherwise finer
evolution has been interrupted, thus making him the proverbial homo interruptus? At the risk of being
blasphemous and trivial, I offer humor and irony as my defence in an act of
quixotic self-defense. Is the sky finally falling? Or have we simply turned
into Chicken Little because resistance is futile? We have triggered the
Apocalypse prematurely? Is there an antidote to this galloping end that
promises both a bang and whimper? Paraphrasing Omar Khayyam, “Ah, Love! Could
you and I with Him conspire to make this sorry scheme of things entire, would
we not shatter it to bits, and then remold it to our hearts’ desire?”
Sun through a
skim of clouds. A nuthatch and a downy woodpecker trade
anxious, nasal notes between the faint shadows of the trees. ---Dave Bonta, The Morning Porch, 12-13-11, Via Negativa
N: Think this winter will be our last? Mayan
2012, remember?
W: Nah, might just be a peep at the God Particle
by a savant.
N: What’s with the peppy, sunshiny,
head-in-the-clouds cant?
W: Been pecking on wood all my life! What’s with
the dander?
N: Not enough nuts or weevils as it is. Why end
it all? It’s futile.
W: Boredom. Renewal. Occupy. He’s hinted these
for a while.
N: Occupy. Uh-oh. Come back to reclaim
this neck of the woods?
W: Final Coming. Like Advent. Last
trip, like. He’s tired. Pissed.
N: Like
driving scruffy tenants out for punching holes on walls?
W: More
like ozone layer holes. Global warming, oil spills, Nuts.
N: They’re already murdering each other. Wars,
famine, Woods.
W: He’s got to have the last say. He
wants them to say: We repent!
N: What’s the point? Couldn’t he consider his
love well spent?
W: Don’t know about you. I would like
to bore a few more holes.